Friday, December 12, 2008

Bad news for my car!!!!

SO.....Moussa and I were in a car accident on Friday December 5th. A black car cut off a truck and the truck hit the car then bashed into the back right side of my car then hit the entire right side then landed on the front of my poor car. The insurance company has decided that she is totalled and no longer driveable. Moussa and I are ok. I sustained neck, back and shoulder injuries but have healed quickly. I am now looking for a new car. I will miss SCARLET(my car) but realize it is time to move on to something else. If any of you know anyone selling a car for around $1500 let me know! Thanks!!!!!!

1 comment:

The Brewer's said...

That sucks that you guys were in an accident, but at least you're both ok. My parents are selling their Bonneville (it needs a little paint work done but still drives fine) for right around $1500. Let me know if you need anything.