Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Resolutions

The following are my New Years Resolutions:

Fix my car
Eat more lettuce, carrots and celery
Stop pulling out my hair when I am bored
Visit friends more often
Finish 3 semesters of school
Say hi to strangers on the street just to see their expression
and finally.....

Hope everyone has a happy new years!!!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

The reason for the Season....

This morning as I was checking up on some friends blogs, I realized how I never post anything of real importance. This time of year is so emotional for me and I am not sure why. When I hear certain songs on the radio, while driving to work at 3am, I will literally begin to cry. Breath of Heaven, Mary Did You Know(sung by Kenny Rogers) and Believe(sung by Josh Groben) never fail to get the tears flowing.

This year is a time for loving each other and for missing the ones that are no longer here physically. December 16th always has a special place in my heart for two reasons. This is my Grams Rasmussen's birthday and the day my Grandpa Fleming passed away. I miss them both so much! I know they are both in heaven watching over me and my entire family.....heck, I think Uncle Rob was sent to heaven to teach Grandpa Fleming the truth! I know there is a reason for this season! I know it is to celebrate the birth of our Savior but I also believe it is a time to celebrate the lives of all those who have gone before us. As this season nears to the end, I pray that we can have the Christmas Spirit all year through.

Today is the DAY!!!!

Well folks, today is the big day! Moussa is leaving for Mali for 3 weeks. It is really important for him to be able to do this because it has been so long since he has been home. I wish I could go with him but the tickets are just too expensive.

So the end of the semester has arrived for me! My last final was last night. Surprisingly, I feel like I did pretty well on all of my finals. YES, including my biology final. I will find out Monday what I got on it.

That is pretty much all for now but I will try to be better at blogging.....