Friday, January 23, 2009

Flashback Friday

Once again I would like to credit this post to Wendy cuz she comes up with the best ideas (like Wordless Wednesday and Flashback Friday) and I steal them....Wendy I hope you don't mind.....

My favorite roommates and I took a trip to California. I think it was the funnest vacation I have ever taken! Thanks ladies for making it great!!!!


Wendy said...

I love that you're doing these now! So much fun!

Whitney said...

I think that was the best trip I've ever been on! We had so much fun! Remember when Kristi thought she had a mustache in the tigger picture? Hilarious! I miss you!

kiri jo said...

so much fun! remember when kristi thought she was going to get pink eye and she lost a bet that she could be nice to all of us. haha! not to mention our amazing sunburns