Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Weekend

This weekend is Easter and Conference. I was not too excited to watch conference this year b/c there is so much I need to work on within myself. However, I have recently made a drastic change in my life for the better. So here I am, sitting in my mom's living room watching President Monson give the very first address to the world. I love the way he speaks of his wife with so much respect and love. I hope to one day have a man in my life that will talk about me that way.

As Easter approaches I have had time to reflect on the death and resurrection of the Savior. I don't very often do this. Today as I sit here watching conference I am aware of the great sacrifice the Lord made for me so one day I can return to live with my Heavenly Father. I am so grateful that the Savior would die for me! I know I don't repent as often as I should. I hope to one day become like Christ so I can see my family in Heaven.

I am grateful for my trials and tribulations that are set before me. I know each trial is given so I can grow closer to the Lord. I have not always made the right choices but the choices I have made have molded me to be the person I am today.

I wish all who read this a happy Easter. May we all remember the reason for the Easter season and know that God loves each and every one of us.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

I love this post! I always have to remember that we experience trials for a reason and that we become better when we get through them.